Monday, July 27, 2009

Corn, Corn and More Corn

He finally gets to touch the corn!

I know Adam is in there somewhere, because I can see the yellow SpongeBob crocs. Can you see him?
Had I known that Adam would be so crazy for corn, I would have stopped at the Corn Palace. As it was, we bypassed this South Dakota tourist spot as Mom was very tired of looking at cornfield after cornfield after… Adam, however, was very persistent about walking in a cornfield and yelled for me to stop every time he saw one (believe me, that was a lot of yelling). I finally took a detour into Iowa on a two-lane road, so the boys could say they had been there. I pulled over into a cornfield and let Adam walk inside. I have made a solemn promise that we will stop at a corn stand in Illinois and get fresh corn as soon as it is harvested. It better be soon or I will never hear the end of it.

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